Using your platform for good

 Having just finished a module one focus discussion on Skype it has left me with a lot to think about.

We discussed many important and complex topics trying to delve deeper into what we believe to be true and what others believe to be true and if any of those are in fact true at all.

Something we discussed at the beginning of the Skype is the idea of Web 2.0 

Many performers have their instagrams/twitters on open in order to promote themselves and their craft. this means that people can and will follow/like/comment on anything you post. 

2020 has been a challenging year for every one but it has also been a year when important discussions have began to take traction, hopefully resulting in considerable change. 

In the focus discussion somebody spoke (I'm so sorry I can't remember who) about how members of a certain show received a lot of 'hate' for not speaking out on social media about pressing issues. There have been a few shows recently that if you are lucky enough to be cast in them it comes with an abundance of followers on social media, something you may not have had before.

This led me to the question : Should you speak out ethically on important matters when you have a large following?

In my opinion: yes. if you have the opportunity to educate/discuss with people who look up to you/follow you then you should. You could potentially change someones view on something. You could give someone a piece of information that they didn't know existed.

However the chance for misinformation is astronomical and the amount of 'fake news' and misleading statements is even higher.

This adds pressure to ensure the information you put out there is correct, fact checked and ethically sourced making things more complex.

I would love to hear people personal opinions on this? 


  1. Hi Morgan, I completely agree with you that Web 2:0 is an excellent way to share and educate with your followers. It's not something that I personally do, but I like to read, like and support others thoughts on social media. Over lockdown I became quite dependent on it and felt that my knowledge of certain topics had been developed. It is almost as if we been given this wonderful platform that can lead to so many opportunities, however it has also been turned into something negative. Cyber-bullying, fake news and the idea of being 'brainwashed' are examples of this and have instigated the ideas of 'un-social media'. x

  2. Hi, I completely agree that if you have a platform you should use it to help educate people however I think an issue that rises from this is that not everyone is completely educated in all these matters that have been discussed recently so people with these platforms then have to either post (because they're expected to) without having the full knowledge behind them and therefore they may be mis informed, or they don't post and receive the hate from their fans. I know a lot of people have took it upon them to educate themselves first before posting however which is perhaps a good starting point,


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