
Showing posts from September, 2020

Using your platform for good

 Having just finished a module one focus discussion on Skype it has left me with a lot to think about. We discussed many important and complex topics trying to delve deeper into what we believe to be true and what others believe to be true and if any of those are in fact true at all. Something we discussed at the beginning of the Skype is the idea of Web 2.0  Many performers have their instagrams/twitters on open in order to promote themselves and their craft. this means that people can and will follow/like/comment on anything you post.  2020 has been a challenging year for every one but it has also been a year when important discussions have began to take traction, hopefully resulting in considerable change.  In the focus discussion somebody spoke (I'm so sorry I can't remember who) about how members of a certain show received a lot of 'hate' for not speaking out on social media about pressing issues. There have been a few shows recently that if you are lucky enough...

Starting BA PP and my first blog post!

Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever post on my first ever blog! As I sit down to write my first post I am undoubtedly nervous and quite apprehensive of what's to come. I like most things in my life to be perfect (or seem it at least) but when it comes to writing down your thoughts and feelings I feel like perfection is an impossible task.  Last week I had my welcome Skype for starting the BA PP course. It made me feel much more at ease and also made me understand that I am not alone in this journey and we are all facing these new challenges together. Getting to hear from students who are further along in the course was very encouraging and a recurring message that they put across is that its a ' learning journey '. A particular quote I liked was ' things aren't a straight line, they're a wiggly one '. This quote illustrates that learning mirrors life. When you set your life goals or ambitions or your 'five year plan' you imagine it's a di...